#36 Air Serbia
January 5, 2014
This is my proposal for the redesigned logo of the Serbian national airline Air Serbia. The mark represents a stylized mix of two elements – the Serbian national bird (eagle), and the runway. It is a combination of two separate designs.
One was made by me in August 2013:
And the other one was made by designer Deividas Bielskis from Lithuania, in December 2013, for other purpose:
His design can be seen here: http://dribbble.com/shots/1331026-Wip?list=users
Since Deividas claims that he didn’t see my design before he made his own, I asked him for permission to combine these two designs into one.
I think this logo is very powerful and represents better design than the current one with Arabic ornaments in it which, although present in the Serbian tradition, are not authentic elements of that tradition.
The current logo:
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